Free eBook:

A HR and L&D Managers’ Guide to Improved Practical Training in The Workplace

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What are the key topics covered in this eBook?

Recognize the importance of considering the participants and their training needs, including the different learning styles and adult learning principles.

Know how to write objectives and evaluate whether these objectives have been met at the end of a training session.

Develop an effective training style, using appropriate training aids and techniques.

What will you learn from this eBook?

You’ll define the essence of successful training program, what audiences look for, and the advantages of workplace learning.

You’ll define the essence of successful training program, what audiences look for, and the advantages of workplace learning.

You’ll review the key characteristics of successful trainers, as well as common mistakes and some solutions that you can apply.

You’ll define what’s different about adult learning and why it’s an important concept to understand.

You’ll define the four basic steps in learning and how they influence your actions as a trainer.

You’ll explore the principles of adult learning and consider how they will apply to your future training sessions.

You’ll explore your preferences and how they relate to trainees in terms of their own preferences for learning.

You’ll learn to apply the elements of the four-stage learning cycle in a practical exercise.

You’ll consider the influence that introverts and extroverts have on the training you undertake.

You’ll learn about the training process. We’ll explore the first phase: a needs analysis. This tool helps you determine whether training is required or another approach is necessary.

You’ll learn how to develop learning objectives, research content, and plan the training experience.

You’ll explore a variety of training methods. You’ll consider which methods you can apply to training that you design.

You’ll learn how to design a learning sequence. You will also try your hand at creating some examples that you can apply to your training environment.

You’ll learn about the value of focused activities, games, and the application of humor to add some jazz to your training.

You’ll learn about the essentials for setting up a learning climate that engages your learners as they arrive for training.

You’ll learn about the benefits of showing versus telling, and how to improve your delivery. We’ll also talk about how to create stunning visuals and when to use which type of media.

You’ll learn about how successful trainers handle the most common and frustrating challenges.  

You’ll learn a four-step process for on the job training that you can use in many scenarios. We’ll also talk about one-on-one peer training, hands-on training, and coaching.

You’ll be applying what you have learned in previous sessions and preparing your training module. As a follow-up activity, we suggest taking some time this week to present this talk to a friend and asking them to give you some honest feedback.

You’ll review a range of evaluation options that will help you to determine how effective training has been.